The 2006 Crisis

This site was inspired by the events that culminated in the tragic disintegration of the rule of law in 2006. UNPol was remobilised in response to the political violence and social tensions and this is an archive of the regular security reports.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

UNPol in East Timor Security Briefing 19 November 2007

UNPol Daily Security Briefing 19 November 2007 - This is a broadcast of the UN Police in Timor-Leste to provide you with information about the security situation around the country.

The security situation in Timor-Leste is generally calm.

Today in Dili, UNPol attended nine incidents, including an incident in Audian Road, where a crowd overpowered a police officer and took his pistol. The pistol was later recovered by a senior PNTL officer. The incident began when the police officer attempted to arrest a man he suspected of stealing a motorbike. A crowd gathered and attacked him, and he fired several warning shots in an attempt to disperse them. The National Investigation Department is investigating the incident.

Early this morning, eight gunshots were heard in the vicinity of Tiger Fuel in Comoro Road. The suspects ran away upon the arrival of the police.

Later this morning, a crowd of approximately 40 youths armed with steel darts and rocks threatened to attack the police, after officers arrested a 17-year-old boy for causing a disturbance in Bebora, Dili. Formed Police Units responded and dispersed the crowd.

This afternoon in Bairo Pite, a 15-year-old boy was arrested after being found in possession of a home-made gun. The discovery was made whilst police were breaking-up a fight in the area.

On Sunday in Dili, a 25-year-old man was found dead outside AAJ's Bar after being attacked with a machete. UNPol are investigating, but a motive for the attack has yet to be established. Contrary to some reports in the national media, the victim was not beheaded.

The body of a 53-year-old man was also recovered in Hera on Sunday. Police examined the body and concluded that there was no evidence that he was murdered. The body has been released to the relatives for burial.

The police advise to avoid travelling during the night to the most affected areas. Please report any suspicious activities.  You can call 112 if it’s an emergency or 7230365 for other matters.

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